PatternFly 6 upgrade

PatternFly 6 release notes

This resource organizes the PatternFly 5 to PatternFly 6 change log in a table that allows for searching, filtering, and sorting. Note that this table does not contain a completely comprehensive list of changes, as it does not include information about dependency bumps and documentation updates.

Comprehensive PatternFly 6 release notes can be found on GitHub, in @patternfly/patternfly and @patternfly/react-core.

A summary of the changes from PatternFly 6 can be found in our release highlights.

DescriptionPR link
@AllHTML/CSSRemoved unnecessary visibility declaration that was paired with the use of the display property to hide and show elements.#5209No
@AllHTML/CSSPrefixed all of our public HTML classes (except for modifiers), CSS variables/custom properties, and SCSS variables/mixins/functions/placeholders with the PatternFly version number to avoid namespace conflicts.#5434No
@AllHTML/CSSAdded transparent background to various buttons, other cleanup.#5379No
@AllHTML/CSSRemoved references to any fallback .woff font files for text and icons.#5435No
@AllHTML/CSSSplit the global reset styles into “normalize” and “reset”, which can be uniquely disabled/enabled by setting $pf-global--enable-reset and $pf-global--enable-normalize.#5435No
@AllHTML/CSSWrapped all global normalize and reset styles in :where() to remove CSS specificity.#5435No
@AllHTML/CSSRemoved an old bootstrap variable mapping stylesheet.#5435No
@AllHTML/CSSRemoved card and button specific styles for use in dark and light blocks within components.#5435No
@AllHTML/CSSRemoved the SCSS variables $pf-global--enable-shield and $pf-global--load-pf-3.#5435No
@AllHTML/CSSRenamed the global “default” status color to “custom”.#5418No
@AllHTML/CSSUpdated any use of a non-PatternFly component checkbox/radio input to use the standalone variation of the PatternFly check/radio component.#5355No
@AllHTML/CSSFixed dark theme bugs.#5535No
@AllHTML/CSSRemoved global “shield” CSS.#5339No
@AllHTML/CSSRemoved declaration setting font-size on HTML element and associated SCSS var $pf-global--unset-root-font-size.#5339No
@AllHTML/CSSUpdated all of our RedHatFont files to the latest versions.#5503No
@AllHTML/CSSRenamed the global variables for font family variations, and global class to opt-in to the variable font.#5503No
@AllHTML/CSSRemoved support for the legacy overpass font.#5169No
@AllHTML/CSSPrefixed and relocated variable font opt-in.#5617No
@AllReactCreated component level package.json files to enable federated modules.No
@patternfly/react-coreReactRemoved the default value of the getResizeObserver function's third parameter, useRequestAnimationFrame.#8324No
@patternfly/react-iconsReactRemoved the size, color, and noVerticalAlign properties from icons imported from @patternfly/react-icons.#5275No
About modalHTML/CSSRemoved the default background image.#5530No
About modalHTML/CSSRefactored the about modal box to be placed inside of the modal component.#5216No
About modalHTML/CSSUpdated to support new design of background image.#5328No
About modalReactRemoved the AboutModalBoxHero sub-component.#8931No
AccordionHTML/CSSRenamed the accordion expandable content component from “expanded-content” to “expandable-content”.#5180No
AccordionReactRenamed the AccordionExpandedContentBody component to AccordionExpandableContentBody.#8525Yes
AccordionReactRenamed the large property value of the displaySize property to lg.#8206Yes
AlertReactRemoved the aria-label property.#8649Yes
AlertReactReplaced the titleHeadingLevel property with component.#8518Yes
AlertReactRenamed the default value for the variant property to custom. This change also affects the AlertVariant enum and AlertIcon component.#8924Yes
Application launcherReactDeprecated the ApplicationLauncher components.#8836Yes
Application launcherReactUpdated callback properties to include the event parameter as the first parameter.#8756Yes
Application launcherReactReplaced the internal input element with the SearchInput component.#8293No
Application launcherReactRemoved the removeFindDomNode property as it is now the default behavior.#8316Yes
Application launcherReactRemoved the ToggleMenuBaseProps interface.#8235No
Background imageHTML/CSSRemoved the default background image.#5530No
Background imageHTML/CSSUpdated to support new design of background image.#5328No
Background imageReactRemoved the filter property and updated the src property.#8931Yes
Background imageReactRemoved the BackgroundImageSrcMap interface.#8931Yes
BannerHTML/CSSRenamed status variations (such as “success”, “warning”, and “danger”) to be more generic color variations (such as “green”, “gold”, and “red”).#5408No
BannerReactUpdated the variant property's type.#8808Yes
BrandReactAllowed heights/widths to be set together and be used when no children are passed#9342No
ButtonReactReplaced the isSmall and isLarge properties with the size property.#8144Yes
ButtonReactReplaced the isSmall and isLarge properties with the size property.#8144Yes
ButtonHTML/CSSRe-introduced a CSS var override in the button's pf-t-dark placeholder that sets the primary button background.#5652No
Calendar monthReactUpdated callback properties to include the event parameter as the first parameter.#8753Yes
Calendar monthHTML/CSSUpdated background color of calendar month date ranges.#5624No
CardReactDeprecated various properties.#9092Yes
CardReactRemoved the deprecated `isHoverable` property.#8196Yes
CardReactReordered `onSelectableInputChange` event parameters.#8752Yes
CardReactUpdated the internal default value of the `component` property from 'article' to 'div'.#8601No
CardReact`CardHeaderMain` and `CardActions` are no longer exported from PatternFly, and are instead rendered internally within the `CardHeader` sub-component. Any `CardHeaderMain` content and `CardActions` content or properties should be passed directly to `CardHeader` instead.#8759Yes
CardHTML/CSSUpdated design for selectable and clickable cards.#5409No
CardHTML/CSSRefactored the card header code to be more flexible and improved the visual appearance of card header items.#5280No
CardHTML/CSSRefactored the card title to be more flexible, and changed the default card title font weight to “normal”.#5363No
CardHTML/CSSFixed how the newly introduced selectable cards are fixed in light theme.#5668No
Catalog viewreact-catalog-viewMade compatible with V5No
ChartsReactRemoved the getResizeObserver function from @patternfly/react-charts.#8533Yes
ChartsReactRenamed light theme objects to remove "light" from their name, and marked these objects as @private. These objects should not be used directly, and should be replaced with the getTheme function.#8590No
ChartsReactRemoved ChartThemeVariant from @patternfly/react-charts.#8590Yes
ChartsReactRemoved dark theme objects from @patternfly/react-charts.#8590Yes
ChartsReactRemoved themeVariant properties from all components and the getCustomTheme function in @patternfly/react-charts.#8590Yes
ChartsReactRemoved various exports from @patternfly/react-charts.#8869No
ChartsReactA Tooltip from @patternfly/react-core used inside a @patternfly/react-charts component should be wrapped inside a foreignObject.#8592No
ChartsHTML/CSSFixed dark theme chart var prefix from pf-v6-c-chart to pf-v5-chart.#5673No
ChartsReactExported getThemeColors.#9338No
ChartsReactUpdated Victory packages to the latest version (36.6.11).#9276No
CheckHTML/CSSUpdated description and body elements to occupy the available width.#5233No
CheckboxReactUpdated onChange property so that the event parameter is the first parameter.#8750Yes
Chip groupHTML/CSSUpdated the component to require the use of the .pf-c-chip-group__main element.#5356No
Chip groupHTML/CSSAdded wrapping elements for both the chip content and actions to make the layout more flexible and to style embedded components.#5360No
Chip groupHTML/CSSUpdated the chip component to use CSS "gap" to space its children instead of using "margin".#5293No
Clipboard copyReactUpdated onChange property so that the event parameter is the first parameter.#8747Yes
Clipboard copyReactRemoved the PopoverPosition type for the position property.#8226Yes
Clipboard copyReactRemoved the switchDelay property.#8619Yes
Clipboard copyReactRemoved the removeFindDomNode property as it is now the default behavior.#8371Yes
Code editorReactRemoved various deprecated properties from CodeEditorControl. Codemods will suggest using the tooltipProps property instead.#8624Yes
Code editorReactUpgraded the react-dropzone dependency used internally to the component from version 9 to version 14.#7926No
Consolereact-consoleMade compatible with V5#38No
Context selectorReactDeprecated the ContextSelector components.#8840Yes
Context selectorReactRemoved the removeFindDomNode property as it is now the default behavior.#8316Yes
Context selectorReactRemoved the ToggleMenuBaseProps interface.#8235No
Data listReactReplaced the selectableRow property with onSelectableRowChange, which also takes the event parameter as its first parameter.#8827Yes
Data listReactRemoved various deprecated properties.#8388Yes
Data listReactUpdated the onSelectDataListItem property to include the event parameter as the first parameter.#8756Yes
Data listReactUpdated the onChange property for the DataListCheck component to include the event parameter as the first parameter.#8756Yes
Data listHTML/CSSRenamed "selectable" data list rows to "clickable" for consistency across components, and improved and updated the visual appearance of clickable rows.#5397No
Date pickerReactUpdated the default value of the appendTo property, which may cause markup changes that require updating selectors.#8636No
Date pickerReactUpdated the helperText property to now expect the HelperText component to be passed in. Error helper text also now renders internally within a HelperText component.#8833No
DividerReactReplaced the isVertical flag with the orientation property that can define verticality on different breakpoints.#8199Yes
DrawerReactThe onResize property in DrawerPanelContent to take the event as its first parameter. Handlers may require an update.#8736Yes
DrawerHTML/CSSRemoved a "min-height" declaration on the drawer body that caused layout issues.#5322No
DropdownReactDeprecated the current implementation of dropdown.#8835Yes
DropdownReactRemoved the isHovered property from DropdownItem.#8179Yes
DropdownReactRemoved the openedOnEnter property from DropdownMenu.#8179Yes
DropdownReactReplaced the deprecated isPrimary property "primary" value on the toggleVariant property from DropdownToggle#8179Yes
DropdownReactUpdated onChange property from DropdownToggleCheckbox so that the event parameter is included as the first parameter. Handlers may need to be updated.#8787Yes
DropdownReactPromoted the new implementation of dropdown, which is now the default implementation.#8835Yes
DropdownHTML/CSSFixed the alignment of items in the toggle when the toggle is wider than the width of its content.#5425No
DropdownReactRemoved the removeFindDomNode property from the deprecated implementation as it is now the default behavior.#8316Yes
DropdownReactRemoved the ToggleMenuBaseProps interface from the deprecated implementation.#8235No
DropdownReactRenamed the itemId property for the new implementation of DropdownItem to value.#8825Yes
DropdownReactRemoved the deprecated isPrimary property from the deprecated Toggle component. Codemods will replace the property with a "primary" value on the toggleVariant property.#8179Yes
Dual list selectorReactThe onAvailableOptionsSearchInputChanged, onChosenOptionsSearchInputChanged and onListChange properties now take event as the first parameter. Handlers may need to be updated.#8793Yes
Empty stateReactReplaced the EmptyStatePrimary and EmptyStateSecondaryActions components with EmptyStateActions.#8737Yes
Empty stateReactAdded the EmptyStateHeader component, which should now be passed an EmptyStateIcon to the icon property and the main title should be passed to titleText property. You can also explicitly specify title's heading level with headingLevel property.

Added the EmptyStateFooter component. It should wrap the content which follows after EmptyStateBody inside EmptyState.
Empty stateReactUpdated the icon property on EmptyStateIcon to be required.#8737No
Empty stateReactRemoved the variant property from EmtpyStateIcon. Replaced the component property with the icon property.#8737Yes
Empty stateReactRenamed the EmptyStateVariant enum and property values "small" to "sm" and "large" to "lg".#8737Yes
Empty stateHTML/CSSRefactored the component structure to be more flexible and more inline with existing structural conventions.#5307No
Expandable sectionReactRenamed the large property value of displaySize to lg.#8212Yes
Expandable sectionReactUpdated the onToggle property so that the event parameter is the first parameter. Handlers may require an update.#8880Yes
File uploadReactUpdated the onTextChange property for FileUploadField and FileUpload so that the event parameter is the first parameter. Handlers may require an update.#8955Yes
File uploadReactUpdated the onDataChange, onReadFailed, onReadFinished, and onReadStarted properties so that the event parameter is the first parameter. Handlers may require an update.#8960Yes
File uploadReactRemoved the deprecated onChange property. This rule will remove the property and suggest replacing it with the onFileInputChange, onTextChange, onDataChange, and onClearClick properties as needed.#8155Yes
File upload (multiple)ReactUpdated the onFileDrop property for MultipleFileUpload so that the event parameter is the first parameter. Handlers may require an update.#8931Yes
File upload (multiple)ReactUpdated the type for the dropzoneProps property as part of an upgrade of react-dropzone from version 9 to version 14.#7926No
File upload (simple)ReactUpdated the type for onFileInputChange and dropzoneProps properties as part of an upgrade of react-dropzone from version 9 to version 14.#7926No
FlexHTML/CSSAdded gap support.#5516No
FontsHTML/CSSFixed incorrect font mapping from bold to italic for RHD font.#5678No
Form controlReactSome properties have been removed from a few form control components.#9132Yes
Form controlReactChanged the markup for several form control components. Selectors may need to be updated.#9132No
Form controlHTML/CSSWrapped form control elements in HTML divs to be more flexible, and updated status and custom icon form control elements to use regular icons instead of icons as background images.#5531No
Form controlHTML/CSSRefactored the form control borders to be placed on the wrapping HTML div instead of the form elements themselves.#5641No
Form controlHTML/CSSChanged all the divs in a form control to be spans to allow a form control to be inside phrasing content.#5703No
Form groupReactRemoved the helper text related properties from FormGroup: helperText, helperTextInvalid, validated, helperTextIcon, helperTextInvalidIcon, and isHelperTextBeforeField. The FormHelperText, HelperText, and HelperTextItem components should now be used directly as part of children instead of these properties. This rule will throw an error but not make any changes.#8810No
Form helper textReactRemoved functionality from FormHelperText, which will instead be covered by HelperText and HelperTextItem. This rule will remove the isError, isHidden, icon, and component properties if present. The HelperText and HelperTextItem components should now be used directly as part of children instead of these properties.#8810Yes
Form selectReactUpdated the onChange property so that the event parameter is the first parameter. Handlers may require an update.#8998Yes
Form selectReactChanged divs in form control elements to spans.#9334No
Helper textHTML/CSSUpdated components that include helper text to use the helper text component.#5417No
IconsHTML/CSSUpdated the pf-icon class prefix for custom icons to pficon#5538No
IconsHTML/CSSRemoved the .pf-svg-size-[size] classes used to modify SVG sizes with .pf-svg. The Icon component should now be used to resize an icon.#5388No
IconsHTML/CSSUpdated the global variables for small and medium icon font sizes.#5525No
IconsHTML/CSSUpdated components that have static icons to use the appropriate icon color.#5526No
IconsReactAdded fallback width and height attributes to icons from @patternfly/react-icons.#9257No
Input groupReactpull request #9176 affects this as well as #9074. Added the InputGroupItem component, which must wrap all non-InputGroupText children passed to an InputGroup. The InputGroupItem component may need to have the isFill, isBox, and/or isPlain properties adjusted to retain styling.#9074Yes
Input groupReactRemoved the variant property on InputGroupText.#9147Yes
Input groupHTML/CSSRefactored the component to be more flexible and require the use of input group items to wrap all children of the input group.#5382No
LabelReactRemoved the isTruncated property from Label. This is now the default behavior. In addition, you can limit the text width using the new textMaxWidth property.#8771Yes
LabelHTML/CSSUsed gap instead of item margins.#5221No
LabelHTML/CSS Add wrappers for content and actions to manage styling embedded components#5360No
LabelHTML/CSS Allow text to truncate.#5364No
LayoutsHTML/CSSUpdated level, split, and stack to use gap.#5585No
Log viewerreact-log-viewerPromoted log viewer out of beta#27No
Log viewerreact-log-viewerMade compatible with V5#31No
Login pageReactUpdated callback properties on LoginForm to include the event parameter as the first parameter. Handlers may require an update.#8996Yes
Login pageReactRemoved the backgroundImgAlt property. Updated the type of the backgroundImgSrc property to just a string, and the property will no longer accept a BackgroundImageSrcMap object.#8931No
MastheadReactUpdated MastheadBrand to only be an anchor if anhref is specified, otherwise it will be a span.#8655Yes
MenuReactRenamed the hasCheck property on MenuItem to hasCheckbox.#8403Yes
MenuReactUpdated the aria-label property for MenuItem so that it is applied to the internal li element when the hasCheckbox property is also passed. Otherwise it is applied to the element specified by the component property.#8649No
MenuReactRemoved the aria-label property onMenu as it should be passed to MenuList instead.#8649Yes
MenuReactMenuInput has been renamed to MenuSearchInput and MenuSearch has been added as a wrapper.#8820Yes
MenuReactUpdated the aria-label property on MenuItemAction, making it required instead of optional.#8617No
Menu toggleHTML/CSSRemoved the background from full height menu toggles in dark theme.#5643No
ModalReactRenamed the default value for the titleIconVariant property to custom. This change also affects the ModalContent component.#8924Yes
ModalHTML/CSSAdded wrapper to close button#5371No
NavigationReactUpdated the default value of the aria-label attribute with a horizontal-subnav variant to "local" (previously the default value was "Global").#8213No
NavigationReactUpdated the onSelect and onToggle properties for nav so that the event parameter is the first parameter, and have removed the event property from the selectedItem and toggledItem object parameters respectively. Handlers may require an update.#8997Yes
NavigationReacthanged the placement of nav flyouts in the DOM.#8628No
NavigationReactRemoved the removeFindDomNode property from the NavItem component as it is now the default behavior.#8316Yes
NavigationHTML/CSSAdded top and bottom padding to navigation list#5507No
NavigationHTML/CSSUpdated spacing for grouped navigation#5607No
Notification badgeReactRemoved the isRead property from NotificationBadge, use "read" or "unread" on the variant property instead.#8626Yes
Notification drawerReactRenamed the default value for the variant property to custom for the NotificationDrawerListItemHeader component.#8924Yes
Notification drawerHTML/CSSSet body to fill available vertical space#5214No
Number inputReactRemoved the allowEmptyInput property from NumberInput.#8715Yes
Options menuReactDeprecated OptionsMenu components.#8798Yes
Options menuReactRemoved the removeFindDomNode property as it is now the default behavior.#8316Yes
Options menuReactRemoved the ToggleMenuBaseProps interface.#8235No
Options menuHTML/CSSRemoved line height CSS variable#5422No
OUIAReactUpdated the OUIA data-ouia-component-type prefix from PF4 to PF5.#9250No
Overflow menuReactOverflowMenuDropdownItem now uses the Next implementation of DropdownItem and DropdownItemProps internally.#8359No
Overflow menuReactRenamed the index property for OverflowMenuDropdownItem to itemId, and updated its type to string | number.#8359Yes
PageReactUpdated the aria-label property for PageGroup and PageNavigation to conditionally apply only when the hasOverflowScroll property is true.#8649No
The following properties have been updated for the specified Page sub-components:
Sub-componentOld prop nameNew prop name
PageReactUpdated onPageResize property so that the event parameter is the first parameter. Handlers may require an update.#9011Yes
PageReactDeprecated the PageHeader components.#8854Yes
PageReactUpdated PageHeader's logo to only be an anchor if an href is specified.#8655Yes
PageReactPageSidebar API has been updated. The nav property has been renamed to children. Any content passed to the property should be wrapped in PageSidebarBody.#8942Yes
PageHTML/CSSSet page height to 100vh#5093No
PageHTML/CSSDefault page to full viewport height#5517No
PageHTML/CSSMoved variables to root#5637No
PaginationReactRemoved the OptionsToggle used by Pagination and replaced it with Menu and MenuToggle.#8319No
PaginationReactRemoved various deprecated properties from Pagination.#8624Yes
PaginationReactRenamed the ToggleTemplateProps to PaginationToggleTemplateProps.#8134Yes
PaginationHTML/CSSUpdated styles to target menu toggle#5619No
PopoverReactUpdated the default value of the appendTo property, which may cause markup changes that require updating selectors.#8621No
PopoverReactRemoved the boundary and tippyProps properties and updated removed parameters from various callback properties.#8201Yes
PopoverReactUpdated the shouldClose and shouldOpen callback properties so that the event parameter is the first parameter.#9054Yes
PopoverReactRemoved the removeFindDomNode property as it is now the default behavior.#8316Yes
PopoverReactRenamed the default value for the alertSeverityVariant property to custom.#8924Yes
PopoverReactRenamed the reference property to triggerRef.#8733Yes
PopoverHTML/CSSAdded header, title, and close elements#5370No
PopoverReactReverted default value of popover appendTo prop so it is now () => document.body.#9252No
PopperReactRemoved the popperMatchesTriggerWidth property. The width, minWidth, and maxWidth properties should be used instead to modify the Popper width.#8724Yes
PopperReactRemoved the ToggleMenuBaseProps interface.#8235No
ProgressHTML/CSSUse gap instead of margin for status box#5387No
Progress stepperReactUpdated the internal aria-labelledby for ProgressStep to be conditionally applied only when the popoverRender property is also passed.#8649No
Quick startsQuickstartsMade compatible with V5No
Quick startsQuickstartsReact 18, webpack 5, node 18 support, updated eslint & some other dependencies#247No
RadioReactUpdated the onChange callback property so that the event parameter is the first parameter.#8965Yes
RadioHTML/CSSSet description/body to fill available width#5233No
Search inputReactRemoved the removeFindDomNode property as it is now the default behavior.#8316Yes
Search inputHTML/CSSRemoved component#5506No
SelectReactRenamed the hasCheck property for the next implementation of SelectOption to hasCheckbox.#8403Yes
SelectReactPromoted the new implementation of select, which is now the default implementation.#8825Yes
SelectReactRemoved the removeFindDomNode property from the deprecated implementation as it is now the default behavior.#8316Yes
SelectReactRemoved the ToggleMenuBaseProps interface from the deprecated implementation.#8235No
SelectReactUpdated the internal markup of the deprecated typeahead and multi-typeahead implementations. Selectors may need to be updated.#9172No
SelectReactDeprecated the Select components and replaced them with a newer implementation.#8825Yes
SelectReactRenamed the itemId property for the new implementation of SelectOption to value.#8825Yes
SelectHTML/CSSFixed typeahead form control border styles.#5698No
SelectReactUsed text input component in the typeahead toggle for the deprecated select.#9317No
SelectReactUsed text input component in the typeahead toggle for the deprecated select.#9317No
SidebarHTML/CSSAdded the ability for a border to separate the sidebar panel and sidebar content.#5221No
Simple listReactRemoved the isCurrent property, which should be replaced with the isActive property.#8132Yes
Skip to contentHTML/CSSPreviously, the skip to content component classes were applied directly to the button classes to create the skip to content component. This pull request added a structural HTML element that wraps the component and serves as the parent element for the skip to content component.#5153No
SliderReactUpdated the onChange callback property so that the event parameter is the first parameter.#8970Yes
SpinnerHTML/CSSRemoved the legacy spinner variation in favor of the SVG spinner variation.#5468No
SpinnerReactRemoved the isSVG property as the component now uses an SVG exclusively.#8616Yes
SwitchReactUpdated the onChange callback property so that the event parameter is the first parameter.#9037Yes
TableHTML/CSSRenamed the table component's “sticky-column” element to “sticky-cell” to be more flexible in sticky positioning. Added support for a table column to be sticky to the right edge of the table instead of just the left.#5393No
TableHTML/CSSImproved the alignment of the table action column by right-aligning the contents of the table action cell.#5400No
TableHTML/CSSAdded unique table component CSS class selectors to all elements of the table that previously did not have a class.#5558No
TableHTML/CSSImproved and updated the visual appearance of clickable rows.#5397No
TableReactUpdated the onSelect and clearSelection properties on EditableSelectInputCell to take event as the first parameter. Handlers may need to be updated.#9057Yes
TableReactRenamed the isHoverable property to isClickable. Codemods will provide a fix when the property is passed to the Tr component of our composable implementation, but will otherwise only raise an error for our deprecated implementation.#9083Yes
TableReactRenamed the TableComposable component to just Table.#8892Yes
TableReactDeprecated the Table components, which should be replaced with the composable implementation.#8892Yes
TableReactUpdated the ActionsColumn to use the new implementation of Dropdown. This applies to both the deprecated and composable implementations.#8629No
TableReactUpdated the type of the collapseAllAriaLabel property on ThExpandType to a string instead of an empty string ''. Workarounds casting this property to an empty string are no longer needed.#8634No
TableReactRemoved the deprecated hasSelectableRowCaption property from our composable implementation.#8352Yes
TableReactRenamed the disable property to isDisabled for the Td component.#8861Yes
TableReactThe tooltip property has been removed from ActionsColumn's item prop interface. Instead a content property should be passed into the tooltipProps property of the items interface.#9382Yes
TabsHTML/CSSUpdated secondary tabs to have a border by default. This is more consistent with the presentation of primary tabs.#5171No
TabsReactRemoved the removeFindDomNode property from the OverflowTab component as it is now the default behavior.#8316Yes
TabsReactUpdated the onToggle callback property so that the event parameter is the first parameter.#9059Yes
TabsReactRenamed the hasBorderBottom property to hasNoBorderBottom.#8517Yes
TabsReactRemoved the hasSecondaryBorderBottom property.#8517Yes
TabsReactUpdated the type of children that can be passed. Codemods will raise a warning when this component is imported, even if valid children are passed, but will not make any code changes.#8217No
Text areaReactUpdated the onChange callback property so that the event parameter is the first parameter.#9061Yes
Text areaReactChanged divs in form control elements to spans.#9334No
Text inputReactUpdated the onChange callback property so that the event parameter is the first parameter.#9061Yes
Text inputReactChanged divs in form control elements to spans.#9334No
Text input groupHTML/CSSAddressed the cause of the search input icon and placeholder text being the wrong color when in a masthead or dark block.#5666No
Time pickerReactRemoved the removeFindDomNode property as it is now the default behavior.#8316Yes
Time pickerReactUpdated the internal markup to render the invalidFormatErrorMessage and invalidMinMaxErrorMessage properties within HelperText components.#8833No
Toggle groupReactUpdated the onChange callback property on the ToggleGroupItem component so that the event parameter is the first parameter.#9067Yes
ToolbarHTML/CSSUpdated the default alignment of toolbar children to use baseline vertical alignment instead of center alignment, which improved the visual appearance of toolbar children of differing heights.#5201No
ToolbarHTML/CSSUpdated the default alignment to use top alignment.#5565No
ToolbarHTML/CSSAdded a CSS row gap to wrapping toolbar items. Previously, items would wrap directly underneath items on the previous row, and this update added a visual spacer between wrapping rows.#5398No
ToolbarHTML/CSSImproved the visual appearance of the expanded content element. This isn’t an enhancement, but was to fix a bug introduced in a previous pull request. This change makes breaking changes to CSS variables.#5611No
ToolbarReactRemoved the deprecated visiblity property, which should be replaced with the correctly spelled visibility property.#8212Yes
ToolbarReactRemoved the alignment property from the ToolbarContent, ToolbarGroup, and ToolbarItem components.#8563Yes
ToolbarReactUpdated alignItems and alignSelf on ToolbarContent, ToolbarGroup and ToolbarItem to have values start, center, and baseline.#9325No
TooltipReactRemoved the removeFindDomNode property as it is now the default behavior.#8316Yes
TooltipReactUpdated the internal markup so that a wrapping div is applied when the triggerRef property is not passed, which may cause issues and/or require snapshots to be updated.#8733No
TooltipReactRemoved the boundary, tippyProps, and isAppLauncher properties.#8231Yes
TooltipReactRenamed the reference property to triggerRef.#8733Yes
Topologyreact-topologyMade compatible with V5No
Topologyreact-topologySet strictFunctionTypes#53No
Topologyreact-topologyAdded lead icon to task nodes#67No
Topologyreact-topologyFixed integralShapePath for almost parallel nodes#47No
Topologyreact-topologyUpdated version of D3 to version 7#59No
Topologyreact-topologyUpgraded to latest mobx#61No
Topologyreact-topologyAdded WithContextMenu support for Promise#58No
Tree viewReactRenamed the hasCheck property to hasCheckbox.#8403Yes
TruncateReactRemoved the removeFindDomNode property as it is now the default behavior.#8371Yes
User feedbackreact-consoleMade compatible with V5#60No
User feedbackreact-user-feedbackAdded support for promises#51No
VariousReactRemoved the KEY_CODES constant.#8174No
VariousReact Updated the onToggle function to include the event as its first parameter for the following components: ApplicationLauncher, BadgeToggle, DropdownToggle, KebabToggle, Toggle, Select, and SelectToggle. Handlers for these components may require an update.#8667Yes
WizardHTML/CSSUpdated the stacking context of structural elements within the wizard component so that elements from the wizard main content area are able to overflow and display on top of the wizard footer.#5533No
WizardHTML/CSSRefactored the popover component HTML to be more flexible and consistent with similarly structured components.#5389No
WizardReactUpdated the mainAriaLabel and mainAriaLabelledBy properties for the deprecated implementation, and aria-label and aria-labelledby properties for the new implementation, to conditionally apply only when the Wizard's body content overflows and causes a scrollbar. A tabindex="0" will also be applied.#8649No
WizardReactPromoted the new implementation of wizard, which is now default implementation.#8821Yes
WizardReactDeprecated the Wizard components and replaced them with a newer implementation.#8821Yes
WizardReactUpdated the order of the "next" and "back" buttons so that the "next" button is rendered after the "back" button. This change affects the deprecated implementation and the WizardFooter component in the new implementation.#8409No