Simple list

A simple list provides a list of selectable items that can be shown within a page. Each item is described by a text label. The list may be divided into logical sections by introducing group headers.


Simple list

Grouped list

Uncontrolled simple list



aria-labelstringaria-label for the <ul> element that wraps the SimpleList items.
childrenReact.ReactNodenullContent rendered inside the SimpleList
classNamestring''Additional classes added to the SimpleList container
isControlledbooleantrueIndicates whether component is controlled by its internal state
onSelect( ref: React.RefObject<HTMLButtonElement> | React.RefObject<HTMLAnchorElement>, props: SimpleListItemProps ) => voidCallback when an item is selected


childrenReact.ReactNodenullContent rendered inside the SimpleList group
classNamestring''Additional classes added to the SimpleList <ul>
idstring''ID of SimpleList group
titleReact.ReactNode''Title of the SimpleList group
titleClassNamestring''Additional classes added to the SimpleList group title


childrenReact.ReactNodenullContent rendered inside the SimpleList item
classNamestring''Additional classes added to the SimpleList <li>
component'button' | 'a''button'Component type of the SimpleList item
componentClassNamestring''Additional classes added to the SimpleList <a> or <button>
componentPropsanyAdditional props added to the SimpleList <a> or <button>
hrefstring''Default hyperlink location
isActivebooleanfalseIndicates if the link is current/highlighted
itemIdnumber | stringid for the item.
onClick(event: React.MouseEvent | React.ChangeEvent) => void() => {}OnClick callback for the SimpleList item
type'button' | 'submit' | 'reset''button'Type of button SimpleList item

CSS variables

Expand or collapse columnSelectorVariableValue

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