Tree view

A tree view is a structure that displays data in a hierarchical view. It can be used in a dropdown, drawer, primary-detail, modal, or wizard.



With separate selection and expansion

The hasSelectableNodes modifier will separate the expansion and selection behaviors, allowing a parent node to be selected or deselected without toggling its expansion.

With checkboxes

With icons

With badges

With custom badges

With action items



Compact, no background

With memoization

Turning on memoization with the useMemo property helps prevent unnecessary re-renders for large data sets. With this flag active, activeItems must pass in an array of nodes along the selected item's path to update properly.



The main tree view component.
datarequiredTreeViewDataItem[]Data of the tree view.
activeItemsTreeViewDataItem[]Active items of tree view.
allExpandedbooleanSets the expanded state on all tree nodes, overriding default behavior and current internal state.
classNamestringClass to add if not passed a parentItem property.
compareItems(item: TreeViewDataItem, itemToCheck: TreeViewDataItem) => boolean(item, itemToCheck) => === itemToCheck.idComparison function for determining active items.
defaultAllExpandedbooleanfalseSets the default expanded behavior.
expandedIconReact.ReactNodeIcon for all expanded node items.
hasBadgesbooleanfalseFlag indicating if all nodes in the tree view should have badges.
hasCheckboxesbooleanfalseFlag indicating if all nodes in the tree view should have checkboxes.
hasGuidesbooleanfalseFlag indicating if the tree view has guide lines.
hasSelectableNodesbooleanfalseFlag indicating that tree nodes should be independently selectable, even when having children.
iconReact.ReactNodeIcon for all leaf or unexpanded node items.
idstringID of the tree view.
isNestedbooleanfalseFlag indicating if the tree view is nested.
onCheck(event: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>, item: TreeViewDataItem, parentItem: TreeViewDataItem) => voidCallback for item checkbox selection.
onCollapse(event: React.MouseEvent, item: TreeViewDataItem, parentItem: TreeViewDataItem) => voidCallback for collapsing a node with children.
onExpand(event: React.MouseEvent, item: TreeViewDataItem, parentItem: TreeViewDataItem) => voidCallback for expanding a node with children.
onSelect(event: React.MouseEvent, item: TreeViewDataItem, parentItem: TreeViewDataItem) => voidCallback for item selection.
parentItemTreeViewDataItemInternal. Parent item of a tree view list item.
toolbarReact.ReactNodeToolbar to display above the tree view.
useMemobooleanFlag indicating the tree view should utilize memoization to help render large data sets. Setting this property requires that the activeItems property is passed an array containing every node in the selected item's path.
variant'default' | 'compact' | 'compactNoBackground''default'Variant presentation styles for the tree view.


Properties that make up a tree view data item. These properties should be passed in as an object to one of the various tree view component properties which accept TreeViewDataItem as a type.
namerequiredReact.ReactNodeInternal content of a tree view item.
actionReact.ReactNodeAction of a tree view item, which can be either a button or dropdown component.
badgePropsanyAdditional properties of the tree view item badge.
checkPropsTreeViewCheckPropsAdditional properties of the tree view item checkbox.
childrenTreeViewDataItem[]Child nodes of a tree view item.
customBadgeContentReact.ReactNodeOptional prop for a custom badge.
defaultExpandedbooleanFlag indicating if node is expanded by default.
expandedIconReact.ReactNodeExpanded icon of a tree view item.
hasBadgebooleanFlag indicating if a tree view item has a badge.
hasCheckboxbooleanFlag indicating if a tree view item has a checkbox.
iconReact.ReactNodeDefault icon of a tree view item.
idstringID of a tree view item.
titleReact.ReactNodeTitle of a tree view item. Only used in compact presentations.


Renders a search input for the tree view. This sub-component should be passed into the tree view component's toolbar property.
aria-labelstringAccessible label for the search input.
classNamestringClasses applied to the wrapper for the search input.
idstringId for the search input.
namestringName for the search input.
onSearch(event: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => voidCallback for search input.

CSS variables

Expand or collapse columnSelectorVariableValue

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