Release highlights

PatternFly 6 alpha

We're excited to announce that our alpha release of PatternFly 6 is now live. Here are the highlights that you should know about!

PatternFly 6 visual theme

As you've probably already noticed on the alpha website: PatternFly 6 has a new look. Our brand new visual theme is more modern and refined, so that you can create UIs that are more seamless and lightweight.

All of our components have a new look to match. As you use the alpha website, take a look at our component examples, demos, and patterns to explore our redesign.

Design tokens

In order to support PatternFly 6, and any future visual theming capabilities, we have implemented a design token system for PatternFly. For more details and instructions on how to use tokens, you can refer to our new design token documentation.

Our tokens cover both dark and light themes, and make it easier to support both in your product. We also updated our dark theme handbook to align with our tokens.

Note: The PatternFly 5 design library is not built with tokens. To take advantage of our token system, you must upgrade your product to PatternFly 6.

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