Overflow menu

An overflow menu groups a set of actions into a responsive horizontal list to help declutter the UI.


The overflow menu component condenses actions inside .pf-v6-c-overflow-menu__content container into a single menu button wrapped in .pf-v6-c-overflow-menu__control.

The overflow menu relies on groups (.pf-v6-c-overflow-menu__group) and items (.pf-v6-c-overflow-menu__item), with default spacer values. Groups and items can be siblings and/or items can be nested within groups. Modifier selectors adjust spacing based on the type of group. Each modifier applies a unique CSS variable, therefore, the base spacer value for all elements can be customized and item/groups spacers can be themed individually. The default spacer value for items and groups is set to --pf-v6-c-toolbar--spacer--base, whose value is --pf-v6-global--spacer--md or 16px.

Simple condensed


Item 1
Item 2
Item 3
Item 4
Item 5

Default spacing for items and groups:

CSS Variable
Computed Value

Overflow menu item types

Applied to
Initiates an overflow menu. Required
Initiates an overflow menu content section. Required
Initiates the overflow menu control. Required
Initiates an overflow menu group.
Initiates an overflow menu item. Required

Group types

Item 1
Item 2
Item 3

The action group consists of a primary and secondary action. Any additional actions are part of the overflow control menu.

Overflow menu group types

Applied to
Initiates an overflow menu component group.
Modifies overflow menu group spacing. Spacer value is set to var(--pf-v6-c-overflow-menu__group--m-button-group--spacer). Child .pf-v6-c-button spacer value is set to var(--pf-v6-c-overflow-menu__group--m-button-group--space-items).
Modifies overflow menu group spacing. Spacer value is set to var(--pf-v6-c-overflow-menu__group--m-icon-button-group--spacer). Child .pf-v6-c-button.pf-m-button-plain spacer value is set to var(--pf-v6-c-overflow-menu__group--m-icon-button-group--space-items).

Additional options in menu (hidden)

Additional options in menu

Persistent configuration

Persistent additional options (hidden)

Persistent additional options (visible)


Applied to
Initiates an overflow menu. Required
Initiates an overflow menu content section. Required
Initiates the overflow menu control. Required
Initiates an overflow menu group.
Initiates an overflow menu item. Required
Modifies overflow menu group spacing. Spacer value is set to var(--pf-v6-c-overflow-menu__group--m-button-group--spacer). Child spacer value is set to var(--pf-v6-c-overflow-menu__group--m-button-group--space-items).
Modifies overflow menu group spacing. Spacer value is set to var(--pf-v6-c-overflow-menu__group--m-icon-button-group--spacer). Child spacer value is set to var(--pf-v6-c-overflow-menu__group--m-icon-button-group--space-items).

CSS variables

Expand or collapse columnSelectorVariableValue
:where(:root, .pf-v6-c-overflow-menu)--pf-v6-c-overflow-menu--ColumnGap
:where(:root, .pf-v6-c-overflow-menu)--pf-v6-c-overflow-menu__group--ColumnGap
:where(:root, .pf-v6-c-overflow-menu)--pf-v6-c-overflow-menu__group--m-button-group--ColumnGap
:where(:root, .pf-v6-c-overflow-menu)--pf-v6-c-overflow-menu__group--m-icon-button-group--ColumnGap