
A tile component is a form of selection that can be used in place of a radio button and is commonly used in forms. A tile appears visually similar to a selectable card. However, tiles are used specifically when the user is selecting a static option, whereas a selectable card triggers an action or opens a quickstart or sidebar to provide additional information.


Keyboard interaction patterns and a11y is implemented in the Tile demos, located in the Demo section.

Basic tile

Basic tiles can appear in one of three states: a default state, selected state, and a disabled state. To change the state of a tile, use the properties isSelected and isDisabled.


With subtext

Tile subtext can provide users with additional context. To add subtext, pass a short description to the <Tile> component.

Subtext goes here
Subtext goes here
Subtext goes here

With icon

Icons can provide a visual cue that helps users understand what the tile is being used for. To add an icon, use the icon property.

Subtext goes here
Subtext goes here
Subtext goes here

With stacked icon

You can further customize a tile’s appearance by placing an icon above the title. To stack your icon on top of a tile’s title, use the isStacked property.

Subtext goes here
Subtext goes here
Subtext goes here

With large icons

You can make your icons larger to help catch a user’s attention. To increase the size of an icon, use the isDisplayLarge property.

Be aware that isDisplayLarge can only be used when isStacked is also applied.

Subtext goes here
Subtext goes here
Subtext goes here

With long subtext

To provide users with a large amount of context, subtext can be elongated to wrap around to the next line. To format a long subtext, you can pass the component Flex into <Tile>.

You can also change the type of Flex you can use so that the line breaks in the subtext fits your needs. You can do this by changing the default flex. The standard is default: “flex_1”, and changing the number in the default will also change where the sentence breaks.

This is really really long subtext that goes on for so long that it has to wrap to the next line. This is really really long subtext that goes on for so long that it has to wrap to the next line.
This is really really long subtext that goes on for so long that it has to wrap to the next line.
Subtext goes here



titlerequiredstringTitle of the tile
childrenReact.ReactNodeContent rendered inside the banner
classNamestringAdditional classes added to the banner
iconReact.ReactNodeIcon in the tile title
isDisabledbooleanFlag indicating if the tile is disabled
isDisplayLargebooleanFlag indicating if the stacked tile icon is large
isSelectedbooleanFlag indicating if the tile is selected
isStackedbooleanFlag indicating if the tile header is stacked

CSS variables

Expand or collapse columnSelectorVariableValue
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