Progress stepper

A progress stepper displays a timeline of tasks in a workflow and tracks the user's current progress through this workflow.


Progress steppers have default icons associated with the variant property, and may be overriden and customized using the icon property.


  1. First step
  2. Second step
  3. Third step

With step descriptions

  1. First step
    This is the first thing to happen
  2. Second step
    This is the second thing to happen
  3. Third step
    This is the last thing to happen

With alignment

  1. First step
    This is the first thing to happen
  2. Second step
    This is the second thing to happen
  3. Third step
    This is the last thing to happen


Compact progress steppers will only display the current step's title, and will not display any steps' description texts.

  1. First step
  2. Second step
  3. Third step

With an issue

  1. First step
  2. Second step
  3. Third step
  4. Fourth step
  5. Fifth step

With a failure

  1. First step
  2. Second step
  3. Third step
  4. Fourth step
  5. Fifth step

With custom icons

  1. Successful completion
  2. In process
  3. Pending

With help popover

To add a popover to a progress step, set the popoverRender properties on the ProgressStep component.

  1. Fourth step



aria-labelstringAdds an accessible label to the progress stepper.
childrenReact.ReactNodeContent rendered inside the progress stepper.
classNamestringAdditional classes applied to the progress stepper container.
isCenterAlignedbooleanFlag indicating the progress stepper should be centered.
isCompactbooleanFlag indicating the progress stepper should be rendered compactly.
isVerticalbooleanFlag indicating the progress stepper has a vertical layout.


aria-labelstringAccessible label for the progress step. Should communicate all information being communicated by the progress step's icon, including the variant and the completed status.
childrenReact.ReactNodeContent rendered inside the progress step.
classNamestringAdditional classes applied to the progress step container.
descriptionReact.ReactNodeDescription text of a progress step.
iconReact.ReactNodeCustom icon of a progress step. Will override default icons provided by the variant.
isCurrentbooleanFlag indicating the progress step is the current step.
popoverRender(stepRef: React.RefObject<any>) => React.ReactNodeForwards the step ref to rendered function. Use this prop to add a popover to the step.
titleIdstringID of the title of the progress step.
variant'default' | 'success' | 'info' | 'pending' | 'warning' | 'danger'Variant of the progress step. Each variant has a default icon.

CSS variables

Expand or collapse columnSelectorVariableValue
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